♥ Wednesday, July 30, 2008
I Want To Learn To Bake Cakes, Biscuits etc.. =P
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 23:39
I will be meeting fong on fri.. But i hope it's true and she won't cheat me.. Quite a number of times i have been ps by her le.. Let's hope this time won't happen again.. =P
I really don't what to do.. Perhaps, i should think over all my thoughts, decisions etc all over again to be sure.. But i really don't know how..
**In A Confused State Of Mind Right Now**
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 19:11
♥ Tuesday, July 29, 2008
I began to wonder what happened to you this few days when you were not online.. But luckily i saw you online.. That's was the time when i really put my mind at ease..
Sometimes i really don't know what do i want exactly.. I am so confused right now..
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 23:40
♥ Monday, July 28, 2008
Why do tears always fall down on girls' cheeks?? Why am i so emotional??
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 23:10
So tired right now.. After this entry, i am going to bed.. To the bed with all my bear bears..
Sometimes i really don't know what's happening to me at all.. And i don't know how to describe it here as well.. How i feel, how i thought etc..
Just 2 words.. "Sad Case"
I don't know who i can talk to, who i can confide in.. Then i begin to think, is it because my circle of friends is small, that's why it's hard to find someone to confide in?? Who can i talk to, confide in??
I feel that i am lost.. Can anyone bring me back??
**I Wish That I Could Talk To You**
**But You Were Not Online**
**And It's Been 2 Nights**
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 02:04
♥ Sunday, July 27, 2008
Stayed up till so late all because of projects.. AHHHH!!! I want my sleep back!!!
**Sad, Never See You Online**
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 05:07
♥ Friday, July 25, 2008
A tired day for me today.. Once again stayed in school till 9 plus..
Just look how nice the sky is in the afternoon.. The clouds seem to be in layers.. So nice.. So peaceful..
Some things happened, but i really don't know how to say it out here..
But, one thing that happened in the night really brightens up my day.. A phone call from maiwen!!!! So long never hear from her and she called me using her house phone.. At first i thought it was who calling me from an unknown number.. Although i hope it's u.. But, it isn't..
I am really happy that maiwen called me.. It's been such a long time since i last saw her.. Let's meet up one day!!!
My eyes are going haywire soon.. After seeing so many lines in excel and colors(some are bright too).. I really wish that all assignments were submitted.. Then, there will be no worries about them anymore..
**I Got My Hope Up Just Now**
**But It All Fell To The Ground**
**Really Wanted To Tell You Everything**
**But I Don't Know How**
**No Number Except For MSN**
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 23:18
♥ Thursday, July 24, 2008
Just now presented my DMDW.. But sadly, was not done well at all.. Was panicking all the way.. Don't even know why am i so nervous.. I think most probably won't do weel for that presentation ba.. And we don't even have enough time to present.. Was rushing the presentation lor..
Haix.. What's over is over.. No point crying over spilt milk.. Only can blame ownself for what has happened..
**Feel Like Telling You What Happened Straight Away**
**But I Don't Know How**
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 16:16
♥ Wednesday, July 23, 2008
I am so so so tired now.. And DMDW presentation is tomorrow.. The problem is.. We don't know what exactly do we need to present.. No clear instructions were given.. Don't even know how i am going to survive the presentation tomorrow..
**Don't Know Why I Feel Quite Uneasy Or Weird Not Chatting To You For A Day**
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 23:02
♥ Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Don't think i can sleep tonight.. Need to complete my SEMP tables by tonight.. And it's a total of over 3000 rows in that excel spreadsheet.. AHHHHHH!!!! **Faint**
I really can't wait till the day when all the projects are submitted..
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 22:30
♥ Monday, July 21, 2008
What a "lucky" day i had..
The train that i was taking home broke down.. And the normal 10 minutes journey become more than 45 minutes.. Exaggerating right.. And some of the people really don't know how to think.. The train cabin is already full, and they still insist in squeezing in.. Don't they know what does the word full means???
The train keeps moving and stopping all the while.. And when it moves, it's sooooooo slow!!! It makes me feel like as though i am in the zoo, sitting in the tram ride and gaing at the animals slowly, taking my own sweet time.. And i still can remember what was the announcement from the train.. "The train is delayed due to the train fault. We apologize for the inconvenience." I tink it is something like that.. My precious 45 minutes gone down the drain..
What a super long day..
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 20:18
OUCH!!! My ulcer so pain.. It's been there for around a week le.. Why can't it go away.. It's making me feel so much pain in my mouth..
But i guess it doesn't help if i keep continue eating chilli ba.. Lolx..
Ulcer Ulcer, Please Go Away..
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 01:11
♥ Sunday, July 20, 2008
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 19:39
I have been doing SEMP de tables till now.. Arrghx.. From 6 plus till now.. So many hours.. Tired tired tired.. And it's in excel format.. Every line of data looks so cramp together.. And it's over 3000 lines of data that i need to update.. Power right.. No other words can describe how i feel now except for TIRED..
Still never see you online..
But.. You were online after i posted this.. So happy.. =P
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 03:26
♥ Saturday, July 19, 2008
I missed seeing you online last night..
Was online till 1 plus but still never see you online..
Too tired i was, so i went to sleep with the wish that you were online just now..
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 13:22
♥ Friday, July 18, 2008
OMG!!! Now then i realise that we have been spending more than 12 hours in school everyday for normal school day and projects.. Where is my life??? Since when has poly life become like that??
School can really be considered 2nd home le.. Spend more than 12 hours a day there.. It's more than half a normal day..
I am so so so tired of all the projects right now.. How i wish i can just give them up..
I am falling sick soon, i think..
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 23:20
Today lesson ends at 11am and i'm still in school.. And on a friday too.. Arrghhx.. Projects projects projects.. It's all crashing down.. Don't know what time will i reach home today.. Haix..
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 13:56
♥ Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Today's school started at 9am and ended at around 2pm, although it is supposed to be ended at 3.. And from 2 onwards, we did our project till about 10pm.. Fierce right? Lolx..
On our way to dover mrt station, something funny happened.. Vivian broke the handle on hanbao's bag.. She may be small in size, her strength was so powerful.. Hahaha.. And all the way there, we were laughing non-stop.. It is also because of what hanbao said as well. Hahaha.. And guess what, vivian is going to bring needle and thread tomorrow to stitch the handle back to the bag for hanbao.. LOL..
Now to think back the past, i seem to have done many things, or should i say comical or foolish things that made my friends laugh so hard..
Sasa, the things that i have done you know the best right.. Hahaha..
Ahhhh.. I want my hair back.. I want my hair to grow faster.. I don't want to be called a boy.. I want to be a GIRL!!! I WANT MY HAIR BACK!! This hairstyle is making me look like a boy.. Haix..
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 23:32
♥ Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Ahh.. So many projects.. And due in a few weeks time!! Stress!!!
**You Were Online =P**
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 11:49
♥ Monday, July 14, 2008
Stop blaming me for anything that has happened.. I am sooooo tired of it.. Can't you just consider my feelings at least once?? There are always so many times when i don't want to stay at home at all.. I feel so pressurized and stressed at home.. I want to get away, run away from it..
**You Are Still Not Online =(**
**Every Alert From Msn, I Hope That It Tells Me That You Are Online, But It Isn't =(**
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 19:51
Never see you online last night.. And it's now 2.21am.. I still don't see you online..
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 02:21
♥ Sunday, July 13, 2008
A nice song!!! Marie Digby's songs are nice!! =P
The lyrics is NICE!!! Falling Stupid For You.. Hahaha..
Title: Stupid For You
It's not everyday
that i meet a person
quite like you
perfect every way
i finally found the nerve to
confess that it's you -
that i want
i don't care if i act a fool
i would damn
near beg for you
put aside, all my pride
so don't keep me
hanging here
cause this girl is
falling stupid for you..
stupid for you..
the proper thing to do
is for me to act
like a lady and wait
for you to make
the first move
but i don't think you're
getting the point
that it's you - that i want
i don't care if i act a fool
i would damn
near beg for you
put aside, all my pride
so don't keep me
waiting here
cause this girl is
falling stupid for you!
oh, oh stupid for you
why's it always
feel like i am
chasing love when
nothing's there
and here i go just
making the same mistake...
i've fallen stupid for you
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 22:37
♥ Saturday, July 12, 2008
Ahhh.. My hair is gone again.. Don't think i am going to go back there to cut my hair again.. Until i get back the confidence i have for the auntie.. Hahaha..
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 18:14
I am making sushi tomorrow.. Wahaha.. It's been such a long time since i made sushi.. Hees..
And, going to cut my hair tomorrow too.. But not cutting it short.. I had enough of short hair a few months ago le.. And i meant those reali short de.. Like the one i had during my attachment.. Nightmare wor.. Lolx.. Just going to trim a bit.. My hair is getting thick!!! =P
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 02:33
♥ Wednesday, July 9, 2008
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 20:12
♥ Tuesday, July 8, 2008
I don't want or even wish for you to get hurt at all..
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 12:07
♥ Sunday, July 6, 2008
I will be contented if you can find your happiness..
I just want you to be happy..
But i also want you to know, no matter what, i will always be right here for you as i have told you yesterday night or should i say midnight..
I am not sure whether do you read my blog.. But i hope you do..
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 17:03
♥ Saturday, July 5, 2008
What a great night i had today.. Hees.. Or should i say a great evening since i met miyun at 630pm at suntec..
We met at city hall control station and at first, we planned to go suntec city. But they seem to have an event there.. The rehersal of NDP!! We saw all those uniform groups marching on the road.. They are so neat in their marching.. NICE!!!
And so, we headed for marina square.. It was real crowded in there, that we walked for only a little while and decided to head somewhere else..
So, we decided on NOVENA!!! Since ina is working in the hagen daz there, we went to find her.. And have our dinner at long john as well.. Hees.. But, we didn't have a chance to shop or take a walk in novena..
So glad to have went there.. It's been such a long time since i saw her.. She even gave us each a scoop of ice cream free.. Wow!! The ice cream was soooo nice!! Thanks ina!!! =P
Then we went to the open space outside to chit chat.. A long time since we had a chat like this.. We chatted for quite long, but because ina had to get back to work, we ended our chat and she went back inside.. But, me and miyun continued sitting outside to continue our chat.. Hahaha..
Lets meet up again!! =P
Miyun, it's really nice to have you as my Best Friend Forever(BFF).. To share my happiness with you, to tell you my troubles and sadness.. Thanks for being a good listener when i need it.. I really appreciate it!!
And the other way too, if you got any troubles or what, you can find me too!! Perhaps i may not be a good talker, i am definitely a good listener.. =P
Here's the pictures of the day!!!

Before bathing..

On my way to tiong..

My dinner(Long John Silver)..

My free Lemon Sorbet ice cream(Hagen Daz)..

The three of us..

Me and ina..

Lastly, me and miyun..
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 23:06
♥ Friday, July 4, 2008
One person can spent most of the time waiting.. Waiting for bus, waiting for train, waiting for people, waiting for lift etc.. Right now, i am waiting for time to pass.. Until 430, then i can submit my assignment.. And that will be my end of my aitec assignement 1..
So, this weekend will be a break for me!! For me to rest.. For me to enjoy.. For me to play..
Sasa is here!!! Right beside me!!! A "knight" in no armor who is actually a princess!!! Okie, i know i am lame.. =P
**Happy That You Are Willing To Tell Me Things =P**
**If You Are Sad Or Emo, I Hope I Can Cheer You Up =P**
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 15:02
Yesterday slept at 11 plus.. Was really really tired.. Lolx.. And i slept so well till this morning.. Don't even wish to wake up for lesson this morning.. Hahaha..
I feel like SLEEPING now!!!
**Slept too early last night and never see you online!! Haix.. =P**
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 12:04
♥ Thursday, July 3, 2008
The time now is 1928.. And where am i now?? Still in school.. Ahhhh!!!
Giving up on aitec assignment.. Lolx.. My email inbox got so many copies of it.. SPAM!!
But today ended quite early.. Supposedly to end at 5.. But my lecturer so good.. Release us at ard 3 plus.. Wahahaa..
Tml is the dateline for aitec assignment.. Haix..
I wan to enjoy my life!!!
I wan to go play!!!
I wan to relax!!!
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 19:28
♥ Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Including SEMP that i got back this morning, 3 papers are down..
And the good news is... I passed DMDW and my GEMs(QM)..
So, the results are as follow:
Security Management Practices(SEMP) -> 68
Data Mining And Data Warehousing -> 66
Quality Management(QM) -> 96
Originally, my DMDW was supposed to get 64.. But all because of sasa who helped me discover tat one part was marked wrongly, i got back my extra 2 marks.. Thank you, sasa!!
And for QM.. Wondering why i can get 96?? The reason is pretty simple.. QM only test 1 chapter.. And just 1 calculation question stands a high mark.. And there is only a total of 4 questions..
So far, quite happy to know that i never fail any of them.. But there is still a paper coming back on monday.. ERP.. Ahhhh!!! Hope that i do okie too.. =P
**Just A Word From You Brightens Up My Day =P**
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 15:30
Just got back one paper(SEMP).. I PASSED!!! Although not tat well done.. Got 68 marks.. Hees.. Nevermind, it's just 20%.. Lolx.. The most important thing is that i got through it successfully.. Woohoo..
But.. In around 44 minutes later.. Have to face another cruel fact.. Another paper(DMDW).. And at 1pm, another paper(GEM).. Ahhh.. Let's hope i can get through the both of them successfully too.. =P
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 11:16
♥ Tuesday, July 1, 2008
School starts at 1030 today and supposedly ended at 3.. But all cos of project, i had to stay in school with sasa, hb and xm in school till 9.. Doing nothing else but looking at our java codes.. Ahhh..
Then, had to rush all my back to tiong.. Just to help fong buy her combs.. Luckily, just in time, the shop was just starting to close when i got there.. Hees..
Getting back our papers tml, i tink.. Haix.. Panic panic panic.. 3 lessons tml.. And getting back 3 papers??!!!! That's more than what i can take.. Lolx..
But lucky, there's no need to stay for project tml.. Wahaha.. And i am finally free from java codes for a day.. Lolx..
**So Happy That You Were Online This Afternoon =P**
**But You Were Gone Before My Replies Could Get Through To You**
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 22:27
2 consecutive nights i nv see u online.. Issit becos i slept too early??
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 10:58