♥ Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Had a lot of thoughts lately.. And more, eversince those dreams during the holiday..
The thoughts and dreams have not been making me feel good at all.. Makes me feel even worse..
Perhaps, my happiness is running out?? Isn't that such a sad thought??
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 17:51
♥ Tuesday, December 30, 2008
liqin is someone that i barely know her during our yr 1 class. she is someone chatty and funny. sadly we didnt have the chance to become friends.
coincidentally, outta no where, we started to be buddies on the blog. hope she's doing fine in her yr 3. somehow, i know she's just like me. afraid and also yearn for graduationg.
yearn for it becoz finally there's a diploma.. afraid becoz.. we're leaving our familiar places as well as friends behind. we're gonna start on a new path..
Malcolm!! See i pasted what you wrote.. Hahaha.. Don't worry, i will update de.. Lolx.. =P
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 22:32
♥ Monday, December 29, 2008
School has begun again.. The final term.. But somehow, don't feel motivated..
A series of dreams left me feeling so bad..
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 18:05
♥ Friday, December 26, 2008
First time online since last friday.. It's been a week.. And the total number of emails is really amazing..
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 20:03
♥ Thursday, December 18, 2008
Tired Tired Tired.. So tired..
Tired of school..
Tired of studying..
Tired of living..
But of course, i am NOT tired of having fun!!
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 21:28
♥ Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Shortage of money!!
School, transportation etc.. All need money!!
I am definitely going to save my money!!
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 19:11
♥ Monday, December 15, 2008
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 01:13
♥ Sunday, December 14, 2008
I messaged you last night, or should i say the midnight.. But no reply from you at all till now.. I just wanted to ask you to accompany me to go somewhere.. But, forget it..
Maybe, i am just a "spare tyre" to you.. Only when your boyfriend is not with you and you are feeling bored, then you will find me..
Since young till now, i have never say much.. And now, i won't too..
Know you since young.. I really thought i knew you, understand you.. But perhaps, sometimes i am wrong..
Too many times had happened.. I guess it's over the disappointment that i can take..
It's always the case.. It's always happening to me.. Not to you..
I just want to find somewhere to vent my frustrations.. And this is the place..
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 22:47
What event did i participate around june that period in vivo?? I really cannot remember.. Can anyone give me some clue?? Lolx..
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 17:31
♥ Friday, December 12, 2008
钱不是万能的.. 但没有钱绝对是万万不能..
This is a fact that i learnt from this reality world..
Without money, you can't go anywhere.. Can't do the things you like or want..
Money is truly a necessity in this world..
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 00:26
♥ Thursday, December 11, 2008
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 18:56
♥ Tuesday, December 9, 2008
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 00:54
♥ Monday, December 8, 2008
Do you know exactly what is privacy?? Always looking into my things without permission.. And this time worse, taking my things to lend to others without permission.. I don't know how many times have this happened already..
You are the one who took my things without permission.. I haven't even say anything yet, and you can put up a black face for me to see.. What kind of logic is this..
Spoil my mood sia.. I really wonder who am i, or what am i..
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 18:40
♥ Saturday, December 6, 2008
Together with jackson, gui lan, korkor, jia hao, siew fong and her bf, we started on our journey to sakae at icon village..
And we reached our destination by cab.. But at sakae, we were separated into 2 tables.. By the end of our dinner, we were all so full.. Full of laughter and sakae sushi.. Lolx..
In the end, me, siew fong and her bf walked home while korkor, jackson and jiahao went out to have fun..
p.s. Gui Lan's daughter is soooooooooooooo CUTE!!
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 23:10
♥ Friday, December 5, 2008
Woohoo!! Our zoo trip finally arrived!!
Together with Guohua, Sasa, Hanbao, Huiteng, Xiaoming, Winnie and Marie, we started our journey in the zoo..
With the aim of completing the whole journey and seeing all the animals available in the zoo, we entered the into the world of animals.. And just by the entrance, one of the zoo's staff helped us to take pictures and we bought one of them back..
Next, we went deep into the zoo compound for the animals.. And the first one that we got excited about was.. The White Tigers!! And we proceed on.. Joking, playing, looking at the animals, taking pictures etc..
Just to mention it, the whole 8 of us found our home in the zoo!! Lolx..
Guohua: Sun Bear
Sasa: Duck
Hanbao: Beetles, Bee etc
Huiteng: Monkey
Xiaoming: Orang Utan
Winnie: White Tiger
Marie: Penguin
And me: Polar Bear
In total, we spent 3 hrs++ to finish the whole journey.. And the whole journey was definitely very fun!!
After the zoo trip, we went choa chu kang for our dinner.. But xiaoming had to leave early.. So the 7 of us went to new york new york for our food.. The food there was not bad, and very filling.. We were so full, or should i say, Hanbao was really full after eating, as he ate the whole spring chicken meal.. Lolx.. The rest of us ordered fish & chips, teriyaki chicken, latano chicken and spaghetti..
And after that, they gave me a very big surprise.. Guohua and Hanbao went to buy my belated birthday present.. So sweet.. Hees.. I shall not say what exactly it is, i will just upload the pictures of it.. It's really cute!!

Isn't it cute?? I really love it a lot..
Thanks!! I love all of you lots!! =P
p.s. I will upload the zoo pictures another day
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 21:50
♥ Thursday, December 4, 2008
Friday's coming!! Good and bad..
Good is: We're going to zoo!! All tests are over!! And saturday is also coming!!
Bad is: We are having adbms test tml morning.. And i don't know about it.. Please let the paper be easy tml and let me pass..
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 22:05
This few nights of sleep really isn't peaceful at all.. Full of dreams.. Good and bad.. Scary and Nice.. All of them..
Just hope that some will come true and some don't..
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 14:08
♥ Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Really got no mood to study for adbms.. AaahHhhh!! Zen Me Ban??!!!!
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 13:35
♥ Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Was studying for adbms in the afternoon.. But...... I got sick of it eventually.. Why?? Because it's so difficult and hard to digest!!
So, i chose to go out to relax.. Hees.. Went orchard to meet jackson and gui lan.. First time going out with them.. But, it was pretty fun.. It really brightens up my day!!
Still.. I am anticipating the outing on friday and saturday!!
Somehow, going out with friends really brightens up my day!! Even if it's just a casual chat etc..
Perhaps it's because many things happened, turning my life upside-down, making me feel bad, sad, depressed and pessimistic..
I learnt that although i cannot control the things that are happening.. But i can control how i appear to others.. A smiley liqin or a depressed liqin.. I choose the first one.. A smiley liqin..
No matter what happens, good or bad, the world is still turning.. It's not going to stop because of you.. So why not face it with a smile and hide all the sadness and troubles from the others and not make them worry..
Maybe you will think that it's so fake to put on a smile everytime.. But to me, it's how i live.. Smiles.. Smiles and laughter will make you feel better and more cheerful.. And it won't make the ones who are around you worried..
To those who were worried for me during the past few weeks:
THANKS!! I'm fine.. I'm still the same liqin who always has a smile on my face..
And this blog song is for all of you.. Thanks for always being beside me!!
Song Title: Zong Zai Wo Shen Bian
For those who don't understand the title, it means: Always By My Side
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 22:55
♥ Monday, December 1, 2008
One test down.. Still left with one.. ADBMS.. Arrghx.. Don't even know how to pass that.. Many things in that module i am so not sure of.. The calculation, the theory and the practical.. And that is almost all for for we have to study for the test.. Isn't it bad..
I guess i have to depend on luck and try to digest everything before friday..
I am looking forward to the zoo trip on friday!!
And my outing with my brother, fong and jiahao on saturday!!
That elle wallet set my standard for wallet!!
And i can't seem to find a design similar the one i want!!
Why must the wallet be so expensive??
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 17:48