♥ Tuesday, March 31, 2009
I am so envious of korkor right now.. That he is able to leave the house so long.. How i wish i can do that too..
Perhaps that can save me some misery, pain, tears..
My best time of the day.. Will be the times when i am alone in the house.. Just me in the house..
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 20:20
♥ Friday, March 27, 2009
Thinking about so many things these days..
When i was young, i thought that studying is such a boring and tedious thing. At that time, i always imagined what fun it is to be working..
And now, going to be 20.. And going to be graduating from poly, i suddenly feel so lost.. Wondering what can i do??
The first thing that came to my mind was that: Isn't it good if i am still studying?? In this way, i do not need to worry about finding a job.. Feeling so lost after graduating..
Isn't human minds contradicting?? Thinking 1 way at a certain time.. And thinking another way at another time..
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 23:46
♥ Tuesday, March 24, 2009
It's been a week since i last blogged.. And i noticed that sasa and hui teng have run out of ideas for disturbing me.. Why?? It seems like it's because i never update new topics for them.. Hahaha.. So here i am..
Done quite a few things during the week..
Wed(18/3) - Watch movie (Suspect X) with sasa
Thu(19/3) - Had sakae sushi with my mum
Fri(20/3) - Went bugis to pray and walk around
Sun(22/3) - Met up with ah yun
Tue(24/3) - Cook dinner
Meeting up with sasa and ah yun was really fun!! I really love the times with them.. Let's do that more often!!
And now, back to the harsh reality.. There's still no reply from all the resumes that i have sent.. My nus application is still processing..
Of course, i still miss all those times in school.. Sitting at the yellow benches.. The lecturers.. All my friends.. All the fun times when we did our projects etc..
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 19:59
♥ Monday, March 16, 2009
Things are not going too well..
Finding jobs, but no reply..
Rotting at home.. Growing mushrooms all over soon..
Feeling so bored.. With nothing to do.. Except going online, play games, read books..
Times when go out for a walk.. But alone, where can i go, how will i feel..
Feel so empty in my heart..
Really don't know what to do..
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 20:33
♥ Saturday, March 7, 2009
What happening to me?? Thinking here and there.. Mind wandering here and there.. Had dreams about a lot of things.. Although some are repeated.. Where some are the ones that i hope that they will come true..
Perhaps loneliness is really catching up with me.. Making me think of so many things.. Making me feel more lonely..
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 22:35
♥ Thursday, March 5, 2009
My favourite lunch today again!! DIM SUM!!
Dim Sum became my favourite ever since...... =P

♥ Filmstrip Love @ 21:48
♥ Wednesday, March 4, 2009
My mind is wandering around!! But, it often stops at one place.. Feeling so complex.. It's so hard to say out here..
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 22:21
♥ Monday, March 2, 2009
Exams over.. Poly life ends.. It marks an end to a journey.. And marks a start of another journey.. The start of adulthood??
University?? Work?? I am definitely lost!! I really don't what to do.. Can someone please give me some directions..
Back to my unforgettable poly life..
At first started the poly with uncertainties.. Not knowing anyone at all on the first day during year 1.. But gradually, we knew each other.. Knew the lecturers..
And slowly.. we were promoted to year 3.. With all the fun, laughter and memories, we brought it all to year 3.. The start of the final year of the whole poly life.. The start of the final year project..
After a year, it marks the end of year 3..
I am definitely going to miss everything.. All the friends i knew in the poly.. All the lecturers.. The yellow benches.. Everything!!
All the times we spent together doing projects.. Cracking jokes.. Laughing.. Having our outings.. The toilet trips.. Looking around, and especially noticing all the lecturers..
And of course.. having the lecturers taking pictures with us..
I am definitely going to miss all these times..
Of course, there are many other memorable times that i didn't manage to list.. But i dare to say that i won't forget them at all.. All these times have became one of my most important memories in my life!!
To tell the truth, i am starting to miss poly life!! Miss everything.. Miss all of you..
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 18:11