♥ Friday, October 23, 2009
Ok.. i found another word that don't exist in my LG phone dictionary.. The word "message" is not in there.. What kind of dictionary is this?? Simple english like that also don't have.. Seriously, this phone really cannot make it.. Just used it for 2 days and i really hate this phone.. Can you just imagine how bad it is..
I shall continue to see what other simple english words they don't have.. And how much the phone can annoy me..
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 21:52
♥ Thursday, October 22, 2009
Ok.. I seriously dislike my that LG phone.. It's slow, the keypad is hard to press, and it don't even have the basic english words in the sms dictionary.. I can't even find the word "waiting" etc. in it.. What a "good" phone..
But i guess i can't expect much from it..
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 21:22
♥ Wednesday, October 21, 2009
First day of work.. Went quite smoothly.. Mostly did repetitve work.. The people there are friendly..
So now, just have to get used to the routine..
Feel so tired right now.. Sleepy..
Zzz.. Zzz..
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 22:20
♥ Friday, October 16, 2009
Good news!! I finally paid my library fines!! I can borrow books again!! Lolx.. Thanks to Sa..
Today, i had a brief history lesson through the books from the library.. The history of Singapore.. Hahaha..
And for my dinner, i had astons (Lemon lime chicken).. Though i think the teriyaki chicken tastes better than the lemon lime chicken.. Sa had the crispy fried fish.. And the serving of hers is so big!! Lolx..
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 20:56
♥ Monday, October 12, 2009
DSO called me just now to say my security clearance is done.. And i can start work next week.. So, this week will be my last week of freedom.. Hahaha..
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 14:57
♥ Friday, October 9, 2009
We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we're not alone.
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 17:03
♥ Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Made sushi and cupcake today!! =P
-- Cupcake --

-- Sushi --

♥ Filmstrip Love @ 17:23
♥ Saturday, October 3, 2009
Went to meet ina they all at heeren yesterday.. For the celebration of ina and clarence's birthday.. A total of 7 people including me were there.. Me, Ina, Miyun, Clarence, Dong Heng, Morven, Morven's gf..
We went to Fish & Co for our dinner.. And they said they have birthday surprise for the ina and clarence.. And the surprise was they had to stand on the chair and the Fish & Co said their cheer and the whole FIsh & Co sing birthday songs for them.. Hahaha..
But in short, i had a fun time.. =P
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 14:49
♥ Friday, October 2, 2009
Woke up early today.. For the interview at St Margaret Primary.. it's such a long walk to the primary school.. A long long staircase..
Well, how did the interview go?? So-so ba.. Not very good and not very bad.. And guess what, i saw one of my secondary school teacher there.. She's one of the interviewer.. I was like OMG!! And started to be anxious.. Anyway. it's over..
Now, i am waiting for DSO's security check to clear.. And i can start working.. =P
♥ Filmstrip Love @ 12:28